Plate of French horse shoes 19th century

These plates were found in books on practical farriery. This one plate was found by Norman Comben and this is a copy. It shows the wide range of different shoes for a variety of lameness and other problems. Nothing much has changed, they show hock support shoes, and pedal bone rotation shoes, with a variety

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Lawn Boot

The Lawn boots were made of leather and used when the horses pulled the lawn mowers. Of course indents caused by the iron shoes would have ruined the lawn and so these boots were available to put on the ponies feet and protect the lawn. There is an example of a horse drawn own mower

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Horse Shoes

The larger horse shoes come from Mali. The right hand one is old. It would be difficult to date but may well be 100 or more years old. The one of the left is made from iron bars used in construction. The twisted iron has not been beaten out and its crenelated edge can be clearly

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