The Life Jackie James

In the early part of the 20th century at the end of the war many girls took up work  in racing stables as there was a shortage of young men.  In the post war period the liberation of women was just beginning to twinkle like a far off star.  Although jobs were limited to one’s

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Police Horses in Nottingham by Barbara Hind

Introduction The Mounted Section can lay claim to being the longest established department of the police Service. In 1760, a number of men were appointed to patrol the roads on horseback around London. At that time the roads were a dangerous place and travellers were often set upon by highwaymen, so the first Mounted Patrols

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1913 Derby

Written by Caroline Baldock, July 2020 This years Derby will be different, no crowds, no drunken punters, no cars, buses, gypsies, no top hats and fancy hats, no champagne, well I hope there is some champagne, no Queen, no Royal Box. How strange. But there will be a race, behind closed doors, which is a

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The Caspian Horse

SIRHOWY STUD, Farnham, Surrey owner Naomi Thomas. I first heard about the Caspian Horse when I was working for Mr Joseph Allen the remarkable owner of the Horsemans’s Bookshop and a publishing business dedicated to horses. I was employed by him as his antiquarian equestrian book specialist and basically sold old books. In my tiny

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Plants, Potions and Oils for Horses by Chris Dyer

PLANTS, POTIONS AND OILS FOR HORSES by Chris Dyer. This is an invaluable handbook to working with alternative and natural remedies, taken from nature. Chris has provided reference tables at the back of the book so as to give easy access to problem solving. The photographs of the plants are clear and include drawings where necessary.

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A Passion for Old Stable Buildings, a Personal View

By Jane Pitman 2014 I’m not quite sure why I have a “thing” about old stable buildings, but a “thing” I most certainly have! I’m a stable spotting anorak according to my friends. “Surely once you seen one, you’ve seen them all” they say. Well no, not quite. They come in all shapes and sizes,

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7 Days in Iran

Iran is not particularly synonymous with horse riding holidays. It is well-known for ancient ruins like Persepolis and famous for the Shiraz grape, the cities of Isfahan, Susa, Azerbaijan and Tehran, along with the black drapes of the chadar and Caspian sea sturgeon. Carpets spring to mind too, wonderful silk ones with patterns of intricately

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A History of Transporting Horses

Horses have long been used as a means of transport, but they have also had to be transported themselves. Horses prized for their strength or superior conformation have sometimes been moved many thousands of miles, as the heavenly or celestial horses were taken from Central Asia to present to the Chinese Emperor. Horses, particularly valuable racehorses, are

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The Alchemical Horseman by Jeremy James

Book Review by Stephanie S in Montana. I wanted to let you know I just finished The Alchemical Horseman and absolutely LOVED it!  I never wanted it to end! What a fabulous book!  Well done, Jeremy!   It spoke to many issues very close to my heart — the insanity of industrial civilization and where we

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The Chateau of Chaumont

The Chateau of Chaumont’s name is derived from the Latin ‘calvus mons’, which translates to ‘bald mount’. From its prominent position overlooking the Loire since 990, it is clear that its origins were defensive, it was built to defend Blois. The Chateau nearly bit the dust in 1465 when Louise XI ordered it to be

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