Alluminum Racing Stirrup irons

These small irons are for racing only. It is essential to carry as little weight as possible when racing on the flat as weight is so limited in handicaps.  they have a three inch base and are four and a half inches high. They have tiny gripping spikes on the base fro griping. Date probably

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Side Saddle Safety Stirrup Iron

This stirrup iron is probably late Victorian.  Many of the saddle had quick release mechanisims so this iron predates those. The Mayhew has a safety release mechanism, but that is dated 1920 or 30’s. This one was in poor condition. 

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Chinese Stirrup Iron

This stirrup iron is similar to the Tibetian one, it has a similar has a raised edge on the circular foot plate and is not iron decorated with brass, but wholly brass which has been etched or engraved with a pattern, except for the foot plate. At to its age it is difficult to tell.

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Brass Stirrup Irons from Mexico

These were an excellent find at Crows Auction sale. They are brass, but when you look carefully the alloy is poorly made and has many different colours. Polished they look like gold, they are probably early 19th century but it not easy to know. They could be older. One has a hole in the side,

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Tibetian Stirrup irons

These stirrup irons were on the saddle in the Saddle section. They were the reason I purchased the saddle. They are probably of Chinese manufacture. I doubt they were made in Tibet. The iron is obviously hand forged. The foot plate which is curiously oval, has a rim along its edge of about 1 centimetre.

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Stirrup Iron from Mali

This is a pair of irons from Mali made by people from the Bamana tribe. These are old, and very small compared to the other irons and may have been made for a child. Iron was a very precious commodity in Africa and these have been made with care. Mali is a unique source of

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A Pair of Stirrup Irons from Mali

These are from Dogon country, Mali. The design owes more to Spanish design than to eastern stirrup shapes. They have open work on the side and sport the common design motif the spiral. They would have been very comfortable for bare foot riding. They have the emblems of the sun on the side by the

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A Single Stirrup from Mali

This is a plain stirrup of a very traditional shape. It is made from two pieces of iron beaten skillfully together. This one is made by the people of the Bamana tribe. The slight curve of the foot rest suggests that it is designed to hold the foot at the instep. Old, approx value £15.

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Dogon Stirrup Irons from Mali

This is a pair of Dogon cast bronze stirrup irons, they have a wonderful rope design around the neck of the stirrup and down the side of strap holder. Where the neck meets the stirrup proper a divided circle design wraps around the sides. The foot area is designed with cut out patterns. These are

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Single Iron from Timbuctoo, Mali

This single iron is decorated with the cross which represents Mali (see detail) due to wear this has some age on it. They may well be 18th century. Nothing similar has been found. The quality of the workmanship and the style of the foot area which is a circle of brass riveted through the brass

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