Tibetian Stirrup irons
These stirrup irons were on the saddle in the Saddle section. They were the reason I purchased the saddle. They are probably of Chinese manufacture. I doubt they were made in Tibet. The iron is obviously hand forged. The foot plate which is curiously oval, has a rim along its edge of about 1 centimetre. The side and front and back look as if they have been etched and embossed with bronze,
They are embellished with symbols though worn it is hard to see they could be birds. The inlay could be gold? Once again it is hard to know without a details analysis of the metals. The holder at the top shows a great deal of wear from the stirrup leathers. On examination by experts it was felt they must be between 400 and 500 years old. This gives one a picture of the constant handing down of items with longevity. They weigh 150 grams.
Provenance unknown: Purchased from Crows Auction House, Dorking. 2012