Bas Relief Figure of a Horseman
This delightful bas relief figure would have been attached to a stand. It’s purpose would be as a decoration. It was black when I acquired and I thought it must be iron. I gave it a small polish and revealed a shiny gold underneath and realised it was brass. It is such a charming piece I include it here. I think it would be Victorian probably mid 19th century, but I am only guessing.
Looking at the cap the rider is wearing I am wondering if it is a racehorse, he is riding it with two reins which was very common in those days, according to the illustrations of the famous 19th century jockey Fred Archer. It is also plaited with those long plaits which were fashionable during that period. It is obviously a male so probably a colt. It is distinctly possible that it was made to commemorate a certain horse. I am not sure what it would have been nailed onto? Bit of a mystery.