Bill Eacott must be described as Epsom’s historian. He has spent many years researching the trainers who graced the turf here in Epsom, their winners, their staff, their places of training and much more.
What many people do not know today is that back in the 70’s there was upwards of 30 trainers in Epsom. The downs rocked with iron on roads, light-footed creatures, equine ballerinas, frequented the downs in long strings.
This book is groundbreaking and will never be repeated. Sadly we are down to 11 trainers today, but they are holding the flag of equine racing high.
This year, Adam West won the Nunthorpe with Live in the Dream, and Harbour Law is the only Epsom horse to have won the St Leger, trained by Laura Mongan. We can still do it here.
This book is a gem of reference and also offers up a narrative worth its salts. I can highly recommend it.
Caroline Baldock
£15.00 + £3.50 postage & packing. It is ONLY available in the UK.