Horse Dance Stick, Mali

This horse dance stick is made from very heavy wood so it must have some age on it.  this stick has a long strap which goes over the shoulder and the dancer sits on the middle of the horse. The horse has a bronze head beautifully cast and a large bell attached round his neck

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Puppet Horse Mask

This comes form Mali and is from the Dogon people. It is for dancing. It forms the head of the puppet and has a wonderful mouth which opens and shuts. These puppets are used for their dances and ceremonies. The Malian people are famous for their music and their puppets which inspired the makers of

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Wooden Dancing Stick

This is a hand held dancing stick, the face is painted with a white blaze and the inside of the ears are red. This is used by the men of the Bamana tribe during their ceremonies. The tribes people dance to draw out the spirit of the horse as an animal with much status. To

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