Gentle Women
Gentle Women
We’re gentle women, light, lively and small,
But when we’re in the saddle we’re seven feet tall!
We follow the footsteps of our gentle mothers,
With a hoofpick in one hand and a brush in the other,
With wheelbarrows, buckets, and stall-muckin’ shoes,
And we’re up in the saddle when the work is all through.
Oh, we’re gentlewomen, light, lively and small,
But when we’re in the saddle we’re seven feet tall!
Sometimes we’re in high heels and dresses and gowns,
But we’d rather be out riding after the hounds,
Or bringing the cattle in, down off the range,
It’s something we’re born with and we’ll never change.
We’re gentlewomen, we’re lively and small,
But when we’re in the saddle we’re seven feet tall!
You’ll see us at racetracks and stables and barns,
And you’ll hear about us in rodeo yarns,
Our boots might be dusty, our hands might be rough,
But our hearts are made of the tenderest stuff
We’re gentle women, determined and we’re strong,
And when we saddle up we will ride all day long!
We’ve been hurt, we’ve been kicked, we’ve been thrown in the sand,
But it’s easier to forgive a colt than a man,
So hand us the reins of a finely bred horse,
And we’ll show you the difference between power and force.
Oh we’re gentle women light, lively and small,
But when we’re in the saddle we’re seven feet tall!
So give us this day, our daily horse ride,
And bless the good horses that fill us with pride,
For they keep us friendly and warm, and genteel,
We’re the ladies whose best shoes are made out of steel!
We’re gentle women we’re lively and small,
But when we’re in the saddle we’re seven feet tall!
So tip your hats to these women ’cause we’re the real deal
We’re the ladies whose best shoes are made out of steel!
Oh we’re gentle women light lively and small,
But when we’re in the saddle we’re seven feet tall!
Song lyrics © Jean Abernethy 2004