Restitutions Fluid
Man mischt 1 Tell dieses Fluids mlf 1 Teil Kalfen Wasser, Schulterfell des Tieres damif kraftlng ein. Dann frankt man nochmals verdunnfem Fluid und wickelt den kranken order geschwachfen Korpertell damit ein, das Tier glelchzeilig der Ruhe uberlassend.
Medicines were not regulated. They would be made by veterinarians and then sold to the stables. One could not tell if the washes or cooling gels or colic balls were effective or dangerous. It was very much pot luck. In some stables mixtures were made up by the trainer or the head lad following age old receipes. William Gibson’s Farrier’s Dispensatory was first published in 1721, and was thought well of and much used.
Provenance: Gift from Annamarie Comben 2015