The Age of Fergus is Here

Fergus Snow Horse contest winner Monika GrafFergus has become something of a celebrity in recent time. His humorous encounters with humankind are causing much comment on Facebook. Of course we understand that such a small and adroit horse who is always losing his shoe has a lot to tell us about the human race.

His antics might get worse in the near future, or his behavior may improve, but whatever he does I just know you will be watching. He had a great time in the snow all over the northern hemisphere, check out his page on Facebook.

So very soon you will be able to do two wonderful things; one is that you will be able to buy from this website, sweat shirts and other items with Fergus cartoons exclusive to the website.

So keep an eye on us. We are going places and with your help we will have a museum of the horse in Great Britain.

Thank you.

Caroline Baldock

To the right is the winning image of the Fergus snow horse competition.