The Alchemical Horseman by Jeremy James
Book Review by Stephanie S in Montana.
I wanted to let you know I just finished The Alchemical Horseman and absolutely LOVED it! I never wanted it to end! What a fabulous book! Well done, Jeremy! It spoke to many issues very close to my heart — the insanity of industrial civilization and where we are headed, for one. And, the Blue Stallion, of course. Such a great book! I read the part about the plastic bag storm out loud to our volunteers here (at Buffalo Field Campaign) for a “Share Frog” — something we end all of our nightly meetings with. They were floored. Powerful stuff. A very intense read about serious issues with a humorous voice. The culture we live in and are becoming is truly insane. I give thanks to know others who recognize what is taking place, and I hope we all find the courage to do something about it before it is too late. I hope you never stop writing. You’re amazing.
From Stephanie S in Montana.
Book Review by Caroline Baldock
There are many great books. We all have great books that we have read and cherish; we all have great authors we follow avidly; there are stories told in such a way that the images created by them stay with us for a life-time. This is one of those books.
This is an allegorical journey; it is a book within a book. Jeremy James takes the magical number 7 and weaves it with the cards of the Tarot, creating the chemistry for a transformational journey.
The story explodes with the descriptive powers of this genius writer. Jeremy James is a master wordsmith. He wields words like a sword, his armour shining in the vivid dialogue of his imaginative structure and extensive dictionary.
Not unlike; Geoffrey Chaucer, Edmund Spencer, Douglas Adams, and Carlos Castaneda, Jeremy James takes ancient ideas and reflects them through a prism of a new world .A world where transformation is possible through the power of journey, and through journey our hero struggles with pain, courage, truth, love and through endeavour he crawls out the cocoon of slough into a brave new, or maybe old, world.
The story begins with the a young man, Xavier Perdue, in his 34th year (3 and 4 adding up to 7) lives in a world we may think, at first we do not recognize, but of course as you read on you will find this world becomes more and more familiar. There is humour that spirals through the pages and catches you at unexpected moments, tripping you up. It is the journey of the imagination, but it springs through Jeremy’s wonderful prose into a tempest of people, cities, events and landscapes.
He liquidates emotion, pain, joy and terror for us to writhe in. This is great storytelling. The jewel of this story is Jeremy’s deep meaningful, hard won, knowledge of horses. Out of the pages bursts a Blue Stallion, he snorts and screams, he knows, so does Xavier, the battle is on who will submit? Who is the Blue Horse? Who is ‘Lost James’? How does he unravel the truth? Who is the girl with the green eyes? Xavier is an unsung hero, so is our author. This is a must read, a new classic, don’t miss out.
Other Books by Jeremy James
The Byerley Turk
Debt of Honour, The story of the ILPH
The Tippling Philospher
Vagabond and Saddletramp are available from the Long Riders Guild. They are Equestrian Travel Classics.